Money Munchkids™ General FAQ

What is Money Munchkids™?

Money Munchkids™ is a company dedicated to teaching kids K-3rd / ages 5-9 financial education and money management through the creation of high-quality products and services.

Why should we teach financial education to kids?

Everyone deals with finances and money throughout their lives yet this critical life skill isn’t taught in school.  When so much of what we do depends on this skill we NEED to teach it as early as possible. Research indicates children start developing habits as young as five years old. Why not start them off developing good financial habits?

Here are a few financial literacy facts that show why financial education is so important.

  • Two in five adults give themselves a C, D, or F on their knowledge of personal finance.
  • 56% of adults admit that they do not have a budget
  • Over 1/3rd of Americans do not pay their bills on time
  • The average adult has over $15,000 in credit card debt
  • The average student has over $32,000 in debt
  • 2/3rd of Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck
  • Most adults have less than $500 in savings


    Victoria teacher cartoon character question
    Logan curious standing

    What charter schools are you an approved vendor at?

    Don’t see your school? Simply request us as a vendor through your charter school! 

    Blue Ridge Charter 
    Pacific Coast Charter Schools
    Yosemite Valley Charter

    Compass Charter School
    iLead Schools
    Visions in Education
    Gorman Learning Center
    Ocean Grove Charter Schools
    Sky Mountain Charter Schools
    South Sutter Charter Schools
    Summit Academy
    Excel Academy
    Spring Charter Schools
    Elite Academic Academy
    Heartwood Charter School
    Epic Charter Schools

    Is financial education just Math with money right?

    Nope. This is a HUGE misconception. Financial education and money management include some math but are more about critical thinking, decision making and planning.

    What’s the difference between financial education and financial literacy?

    Not much actually. Really they both mean to understand concepts and skills regarding money and finances.

     What’s is the difference between the activity books?

    Activity book 1: Make It, Count It, Keep It is more of a basic book that goes over a variety of subjects without going into a lot of depth. It’s a good place to start off. Our Activity Book 2: Making & Using Money focuses on the topics of income and expenses and has a slightly higher skill level.

    Do you also teach entrepreneurship?

    Although we don’t discourage it, after all, Money Munchkids wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for an entrepreneur, we don’t actively teach it either.  That’s because not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur and we want to teach kids that that’s fine. Especially because EVERYONE, regardless of job title, uses money and needs to have an understanding of finances and money management skills

    Are your products good for children with special needs?

    We hesitate to say our products are specifically made for children with special needs because every child is different.  We highly encourage parents to make that decision for themselves based on their individual child’s needs. If you have specific questions please feel free to contact us. 
    Here’s what we can tell you:

    • Our products comply with most of the British Dyslexia Foundations dyslexia friendly criteria.
    • We use a dyslexia friendly font as listed by the British Dyslexia Foundation.
    • Reviewed by ADDitude Magazine’s (an ADHD & LD oriented magazine) Elizabeth Broadbent, who said: “My child loves this — and, likely, so will yours.”
    • Our products have been Autism Approved by the Autism Hope Alliance.
    • We use large font sizes in our materials for kids
    • We’ve have tried to include various styles of learning in all of our materials

    How do I return my order?

    We’re sorry to hear that your experience with us wasn’t the best it could have been but we want to make it right! We offer a hassle-free, easy and customer-centric return policy. Click here to view our return policy. 

    Kid cartoon character autism approved dyslexia friendly ADHD LD approved
    Logan curious standing

    Product FAQ: Homeschool curriculum

    Actual Questions from Parents like you! 

    Is your homeschool curriculum/program religious based?

    No, but we do mention the concepts of charity and donation. 

    Will this curriculum/program include other forms of currency from other countries?

    Yes, we have a chapter on foreign currency. 

    What ages is this best suited for?

    Our financial education curriculum starts at Kindergarten and our 3+ can be used with learners up to middle school, depending on the child.   

    Is this geared toward teaching kids about money and math with money, or is it about teaching early financial responsibility/budgeting?

    Both! Learners work with money to learn math concepts while also learning about financial responsibilites and budgeting! 

    Will this work for a multiple learner household?

    Yes! A multiple learner household will only need one Instructors Guide, and a workbook for each learner. The chapter concepts are the same across all levels, so you can have all your learners work together as they move through the curriculum.

    While you say this is geared towards everyone, will a high schooler think this is too babyish?

    The language is suitable for all ages, but we do carry curriculum especially for older learners now. Beyond Personal Finance Teen Course

    Do you have a daily recommendation for lessons/pages or just let the learners go at it for however long it holds their interest that day?

    We recommend no more than 2 or 3 lessons per week depending on the age of the learner, but no less than one per week because they may suffer a learning loss between lessons. 

    What is the format of this? Will it require a lot of printing?

    There is no printing requirement, the workbook and instructor’s guide come pre-printed. It saves on cost, and we use a US-based, Eco-Friendly printer for all our printed materials.  

    Have a different question? Let us know! 

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